Budget Cost Calculator

How It Works

One of the first questions potential customers want to know when they contact us is, “How much does an SBR or MBBR treatment plant cost?” Although this can be a complicated question to answer, as every plant is different. We have analyzed the actual cost per GPD flow rates of all of our plants, and created an approximate budget equipment cost calculator. 

To get a budget equipment cost, just type in the daily flow in gallons in the appropriate box. Additionally, if you want to get a ballpark budget cost for a constructed plant, we recommend multiplying the equipment cost by 1.5 to 2 times. 

WARNING – Every plant is different! There are different influent and effluent limits, site and equipment requirements, as well as several other factors to keep in mind. Use this calculator only for “ballpark” budget costs. 

For more accurate pricing, please contact us! We will discuss your application, and prepare an accurate, detailed cost for your project.

Disclaimer: For projects with higher flow rates than described below, please reach out to us for an accurate, detailed cost for your project!

SABRE SBR Treatment Plant Budget Cost

AMBR MBBR Treatment Plant Budget Cost

Please be advised that the above results are preliminary budget costs based on our database of projects going back over 12 years. Equipment costs, influent concentrations, and discharge requirements are constantly changing, and every plant we design and build is different and unique in its own way. Due to these variations, the equipment on each plant may change, and can affect the cost of the project. Please contact us with your plant information, and we will prepare a no-cost design and proposal with more accurate budget costs.

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